BLOG15 – 12PRSAT Firmware Release – Pitch Adjustment Feature Added

Portable Rotation > Uncategorized > BLOG15 – 12PRSAT Firmware Release – Pitch Adjustment Feature Added

BLOG15 – 12PRSAT Firmware Release – Pitch Adjustment Feature Added

Some Magnetometer/Accelerometer Sensor units have a slight mechanical pitch misalignment that that cause the system to auto align such that the sensor is pitched up or down a few degrees when measured with a level.   Even though they function properly, they look a little odd when calibrated to level but with a slight pitch up or down in relation to a level antenna.

This new feature allows for the adjustment of the physical sensor so it looks level after the antenna system is reported level.  The adjustment allows for a + or – 5 degree pitch adjustment.   This new feature is designed to align the mechanical sensor to level, you still need to make sure the system as a whole is level.  After the firmware update, a Full Reset must be performed as this new features data is stored in the system Flash memory that needs to be initialized.  There are changes in both controllers and therefore both need to be updated to the base code of 1.3x.

This has been added to the Power On “Configuration Settings” menu accessed by holding the “CW” or Right button down and turning on power.  Select “SC” by pressing the Mode button and then select “PT” by pressing the Right hand button.  As with all other functions use the “CCW” and “CW” buttons to set the value and the “Mode” button to select the change.  The Pitch is set as ‘+’ or ‘-‘, and then the amount in degrees range from 0 to 5.

Firmware:  AzElControl-1.3B.hex  – Hand Controller with normal serial communications.

AzElControl-1.3C.hex  – Hand Controller with changes to support HRD Rotor Function

AzElMotor-1.3B.hex for the Motor Controller


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